Testimonials from Students and Colleagues


Brensly and her keyboard

My granddaughter, Brensly, has been taking piano lessons from LeAnn for over two years now and looks forward to every session. LeAnn is very talented, accomplished, and wonderful with her. My granddaughter's ability and performance has improved immensely since she began taking lessons from LeAnn. Over these past years I have listened as she not only teaches Brensly the keyboard but also vocabulary, facts about composers and much more. I recommend LeAnn very highly to anyone interested in getting the most wonderful opportunity to obtain an outstanding education in music.
Sherry Holmes -- Danville, CA -- 2 Years In-Studio

Max's Journey

It has been my and my son, Max Kroll’s, privilege to have had Mrs. LeAnn Birky as a piano teacher. My son has taken lessons with her since he was 5-years- old. He is now 12.  My son started taking lessons at a local music store, then switched to Ms. LeAnn after we saw a flyer posted in his pre-school. The difference in pedagogy was immediately apparent.

Ms. LeAnn was trained in teaching music, not just playing it. Her rapport with my son was instantly harmonious. She taught him how to practice – one hand at a time, then by chunking stanzas together. Even though he was young, she made practicing his responsibility. She knew full well whether he had practiced pieces to the best of his ability or slacked off a bit. She stressed dynamics, chord structures, theory and scales. Most of all, she expected nothing but his best.

She taught my son so proficiently that I decided to take lessons with her as well! My son, admittedly caught on much more quickly than I did, however, I can now can play some music on the piano which is a thrill to me. It is hard to teach an adult new tricks, but she did.  I even played in a few recitals which included pieces such as Fur Elise, Somewhere Over the Rainbow and a duet called Sunday Morning with my son.

In later years, my son’s repertoire grew. Ms. LeAnn focused on the classical composers such as Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms and the like, but at my urging, also taught some modern day pieces to my son. These included, but were not limited to, John Lennon’s Imagine, the Beatles Hey Jude, Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, and Bruce Springsteen’s Thunder Road! She even taught him to play Jewish favorites. Today he graces our Passover dinner Seder by playing Hebrew pieces that we all sing along with! He plays Hanukkah songs, the Israeli national anthem, Fiddler on the Roof and Hava Nagillah. As his Bar Mitzvah project, he went to various nursing homes and performed to the delight of the residents.

Ms. LeAnn went above and beyond. She was always available for him. When he was doing a talent show with a cellist and two vocalists, she met with the group tirelessly to get the piece right. When my son tried out for Jazz band, in spite of her busy schedule, she made time to give him an immediate lesson to increase his chances of making it. She was always available by phone for emergency piano playing “breakdowns”, and encouragement.  Having two kids of her own, she knew and understood a kid’s psyche. She even nurtured him through the hard years, where most kids quit and got him to love playing! She got him laughing about his trials and tribulations and brought him out of his shell. They had a special bond, almost as if they had their own private language, using the notes and chords as their words.

I cannot say enough positive things about Ms. LeAnn and the unique and inspiring way in which she teaches. My son’s heart was broken when he heard that she was leaving. Anyone who is lucky enough to get her as their, or their child’s music teacher, will assuredly see what a rare gem she is.

- Judy Kroll and Max Kroll - Newtown, PA Studio Students - 7 years In-Studio

Boy's and their Music

I highly recommend LeAnn Birky to teach piano lessons to your children.

I had the pleasure of watching my two sons grow at Miss LeAnn's Studio for three years. LeAnn is organized, efficient, and willing to adapt her teaching style to suit my boy's different (beginner and intermediate) skill sets. Both of my sons, 8 and 11 respectively, had never played piano before LeAnn's lessons and they have progressed significantly under her instruction. LeAnn was very patient, but also strongly encouraged my boys when they needed it most. She has a unique ability to kindly identify and convey their areas for improvement. She was always respectful of the boys, and they respected her for it. 

LeAnn Birky deserves serious consideration if you are searching for a piano instructor, I recommend her highly.

- Jeanie Gracie - Newtown, PA Studio Students - 3 years In-Studio

Dear Mrs. Birky,

Throughout all of the time you gave me lessons, I learned an incredible amount of information. Your teaching style introduced me to music as a whole, not just the piano.

I didn't fully appreciate what you had taught me until I began taking guitar lessons. I did not realize the extent of the knowledge you had provided me with. I picked up the new instrument in a very short time period, and my progression was noticeably faster than if I had not taken lessons with you. You provided an excellent background of music for me. I was able to read music and learn the notes on the guitar thanks to your teaching. Music is much easier to understand. After just a year of piano with you, I feel like I can easily pick up new instruments and begin to become a better musician. I want to thank you for the fun way you taught music. 

- Hayden Richards - Newtown, PA Studio - 2 years In-Studio

Allison's Story

We had the great fortune to have LeAnn Birky as our daughter's piano instructor and we highly recommend her. Allison started lessons with LeAnn right before the annual recital and decided to attend to see how other students were doing. She was really inspired by seeing kids younger than her perform at such a high level. Allison is naturally very shy and quiet but LeAnn's easy going manner and quick smile put her at ease. She always looked forward to new, more challenging pieces to learn. We believe that LeAnn's fun approach and strong foundations have provided our daughter with a great spring board to make piano a life long passion.

- Cristina Phillips - Newtown, PA Studio - 2 years In-Studio

A Collegue and a Friend

Having practiced as an elementary school principal for the past 28 years, I have had the opportunity to work with many different teachers, including several teachers of music. I am pleased to report to the reader that my observations and evaluations of Mrs. Birky cause me to conclude that she is one of the very best professional teachers with who I have worked.

Mrs. Birky is intelligent, dynamic, creative, and possesses an exceptional work ethic. During her tenure at Carmel Elementary School, she worked diligently and quite effectively to provide the five hundred and fifty children enrolled in Grades 1-5 with an exciting and balanced program of music education. Further, Mrs. Birky provided the children numerous opportunities to participate in a wide variety of musicals and other staged performances. Beyond the scope of the regular school day, LeAnn devoted countless hours of instruction to the pupils in groups that involved choral, handbell and chimes activities.

- Dr. William York, Principal, Carmel Elementary School